Impact Marketing & Design is a creative marketing firm for both corporate and small business clients. We use in-house creative and technical talent as well as hand-picked vendors to offer an array of marketing programs and solutions. We create marketing tools and messages that
Keep Your Customers Engaged
whether you have 1 or 1000 employees. We focus on long-term results (Rome wasn’t built in a day) and lasting client relationships (Why? Because we like you!).
See what Impact’s recent client’s are saying…view our
Client Testimonials
You can see some of the Marketing Services Impact offers both small businesses and corporations
As well as browse just a few of our Online Catalogs
Impact Marketing was founded by
Dione Moser
in 1999, with the purpose of assembling custom marketing programs for businesses. Dione has a proven process that has been built and refined over 11 years, guaranteeing a results-driven campaign. She is passionate about all facets of marketing with her core specialty being promotional product marketing- matching the perfect product and refining the client message to their target market.
To contact Dione directly, email her at
or call (888) 441-1233.